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Amin, Ash (ed.) (1996) Post-Fordism: A Reader. Oxford UK & Cambridge USA:
Blackwell Publishers Inc.
Bauman, Zygmunt (2001)《全球化:對人類的深遠影響》(Globalization: The Human
Consequences),張君玫 譯,台北:群學。
Beck, Ulrich (1999)《全球化危機》(Was ist globalisierung ?),孫治本 譯,台
Boyer, Robert and Daniel Drache (eds.) (1996) States Against Markets – The
Limits of Globalization. London and New York: Routledge.
Castells, Manuel (1998)《網絡社會之崛起》(The Rise of the Network Society),
Castles, Stephen (2000) Ethnicity and Globalization: From Migrant Worker to
Transnational Citizen. London: Sage.
Dicken, Peter and Philip Kelley, Kris Olds, and Henry Yeung, (eds.) (1999)
Globalization and the Asia Pacific: Contested Territories, London: Routledge.
Holton, Robert J. (1998) Globalization and the Nation-
tate. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Isaac, Joe & Russell D. Lansbury (eds.) (2005) Labour Market Deregulation:
Rewriting the Rules. Sydney: The Federation Press.
Jessop, Bob (1999) Reflections on Globalization and its (Il)logics, in Peter
Dicken, Philip Kelley, Kris Olds, and Henry Yeung, (eds.), Globalization and
the Asia Pacific: Contested Territories, London: Routledge, pp 19-38.
Lash, Scott and John Urry (1994) Economies of Signs and Space.Lash, Scott,
Bronislaw Szerszynski and Brian Wynne. (1996) Risk, Environment and
modernity – Towards a New Ecology. London: Sage Publications.
Stephen McBride and John Wiseman (eds.) (2000) Globalization and Its
Discontents, New York: St. Martin's Press
Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2002) Globalization and Its Discontents, New York: W. W.
Norton & Company.中譯本:李明譯,《全球化的許諾與失落》,台北:大塊文化。
Waters, Malcolm (1995)Globalization. New York: Routledge.
2/24  全球化與積累體制的歷史轉型
Bauman, Zygmunt (2001)《全球化:對人類的深遠影響》(Globalization: The Human Consequences),張君玫 譯,台北:群學。
Castells, Manuel (1998)《網絡社會之崛起》(The Rise of the Network Society),夏鑄九等譯,台北:唐山。
*Harvey, David (1989) From Fordism to Flexible Accumulation. In D. Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, pp. 141-172.
Harvey, David (1989) Theorizing the Transition. In D. Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, pp. 173-188.
*Lash, Scott and John Urry (1994) Mobile Objects. In S. Lash and J. Urry, Economies of Signs and Space, London: Sage Publications, pp. 12-30. 
3/03  全球化與積累體制的歷史轉型
Bauman, Zygmunt (2001)《全球化:對人類的深遠影響》(Globalization: The Human Consequences),張君玫 譯,台北:群學。
Castells, Manuel (1998)《網絡社會之崛起》(The Rise of the Network Society),夏鑄九等譯,台北:唐山。
*Harvey, David (1989) From Fordism to Flexible Accumulation. In D. Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, pp. 141-172.
Harvey, David (1989) Theorizing the Transition. In D. Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, pp. 173-188.
*Lash, Scott and John Urry (1994) Mobile Objects. In S. Lash and J. Urry, Economies of Signs and Space, London: Sage Publications, pp. 12-30. 
3/10  全球化與企業實踐
Reddy, Prasada(2000)New Trends in the Globalization of Corporate R&D. In Prasada Reddy, Globalization of Corporate R&D, London and New York: Routledge, pp.93-108.
Rodrik, Dani(2000)Development Strategies for the Next Century. In Ippei Yamazawa (ed.), Developing Economies in the Twenty-First Century: The Challenges of Globalization, Chiba, Japan: Institute of Developing Economies: Japan External Trade organization, pp.3-8.
*Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko (1997) Sweden. In John H. Dunning (ed.), Governments, Globalization, and International Business. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp.359-376.
林昭儀 譯, Robert Heller羅柏•赫勒著(2000)《歐洲企業卓越之路》 (In Search of European Excellence, 1997). 台北:中國生產力中心.第六章〈維持競爭優勢 〉,pp.180-212;第九章〈創造有效團隊合作〉,pp.276-302。
*徐聯恩譯,查理斯•韓頓透拿 (Charles Hampden-Turner)與亞峰斯•特羅潘納(Alfons Trompenaars)著(1995) 《國家競爭力 : 創造財富的價值體系》。 台北:智庫文化。第十章〈 撕扯中的瑞典社會個人主義〉,pp.293-330. (The Seven Cultures of Capitalism: Value Systems for Creating Wealth in the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Sweden, and the Netherlands.) 
3/17  全球化與企業實踐
Reddy, Prasada(2000)New Trends in the Globalization of Corporate R&D. In Prasada Reddy, Globalization of Corporate R&D, London and New York: Routledge, pp.93-108.
Rodrik, Dani(2000)Development Strategies for the Next Century. In Ippei Yamazawa (ed.), Developing Economies in the Twenty-First Century: The Challenges of Globalization, Chiba, Japan: Institute of Developing Economies: Japan External Trade organization, pp.3-8.
*Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko (1997) Sweden. In John H. Dunning (ed.), Governments, Globalization, and International Business. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp.359-376.
林昭儀 譯, Robert Heller羅柏•赫勒著(2000)《歐洲企業卓越之路》 (In Search of European Excellence, 1997). 台北:中國生產力中心.第六章〈維持競爭優勢 〉,pp.180-212;第九章〈創造有效團隊合作〉,pp.276-302。
*徐聯恩譯,查理斯•韓頓透拿 (Charles Hampden-Turner)與亞峰斯•特羅潘納(Alfons Trompenaars)著(1995) 《國家競爭力 : 創造財富的價值體系》。 台北:智庫文化。第十章〈 撕扯中的瑞典社會個人主義〉,pp.293-330. (The Seven Cultures of Capitalism: Value Systems for Creating Wealth in the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Sweden, and the Netherlands.) 
3/24  國家競爭力之總體性
Lazer, Fred(1996)Corporate Strategies: The Costs and Benefits of Going Global. In R. Boyer & D. Drache (eds.), States Against Markets – The Limits of Globalization, London and New York: Routledge, pp.270-296.
Salvatore, Dominik(1998)Globalization and International Competitiveness. In John H. Dunning (ed.), Globalization, Trade and Foreign Direct Investment, Amsterdam; New York: Elsevier, pp.3-18.
Porter, Michael E. (1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating And Sustaining Superior Performance, New York: Free Press.(李明軒, 邱如美合譯, 1999, 《競爭優勢》,台北:天下遠見)
Porter, Michael E. (1990) The Competitive Advantage of Nations, New York: The Free Press. (李明軒,邱如美譯, 1996, 《國家競爭優勢》,台北:天下文化)
Jessop, B. (1999) The Social Embeddedness of the Economy and Its Implications for Economic Governance, published by the Department of Sociology, Lancaster University at: http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/sociology/soc016rj.html
*Jessop, B. (2000) The State and the Contradictions of the Knowledge-Driven Economy, published by the Department of Sociology, Lancaster University at http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/sociology/soc044rj.html, pp.1-12.
3/31  國家競爭力之總體性
Lazer, Fred(1996)Corporate Strategies: The Costs and Benefits of Going Global. In R. Boyer & D. Drache (eds.), States Against Markets – The Limits of Globalization, London and New York: Routledge, pp.270-296.
Salvatore, Dominik(1998)Globalization and International Competitiveness. In John H. Dunning (ed.), Globalization, Trade and Foreign Direct Investment, Amsterdam; New York: Elsevier, pp.3-18.
Porter, Michael E. (1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating And Sustaining Superior Performance, New York: Free Press.(李明軒, 邱如美合譯, 1999, 《競爭優勢》,台北:天下遠見)
Porter, Michael E. (1990) The Competitive Advantage of Nations, New York: The Free Press. (李明軒,邱如美譯, 1996, 《國家競爭優勢》,台北:天下文化)
Jessop, B. (1999) The Social Embeddedness of the Economy and Its Implications for Economic Governance, published by the Department of Sociology, Lancaster University at: http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/sociology/soc016rj.html
*Jessop, B. (2000) The State and the Contradictions of the Knowledge-Driven Economy, published by the Department of Sociology, Lancaster University at http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/sociology/soc044rj.html, pp.1-12.
4/07  全球化、在地化與跨國管制體制
Amin, Ash and Anders Malmberg (1996) Competing Structural and Institutional Influences on the Geography of Production in Europe. In A. Amin (ed.), Post-Fordism: A Reader, Oxford UK & Cambridge USA: Blackwell, pp. 227-248 (chapter 7).
*Jessop, Bob (1999). Reflections on Globalization and its (Il)logics, in Peter Dicken, Philip Kelley, Kris Olds, and Henry Yeung, (eds.), Globalization and the Asia Pacific: Contested Territories, London: Routledge, pp 19-38.
*Peck, Jamie and Adam Tickell.(1996)Searching for a New Institutional Fix: The After-Fordist Crisis and the Global-Local Disorder. In A. Amin (ed.), Post-Fordism: A Reader, Oxford UK & Cambridge USA: Blackwell, pp. 280-315. 
4/14  全球化、在地化與跨國管制體制
Amin, Ash and Anders Malmberg (1996) Competing Structural and Institutional Influences on the Geography of Production in Europe. In A. Amin (ed.), Post-Fordism: A Reader, Oxford UK & Cambridge USA: Blackwell, pp. 227-248 (chapter 7).
*Jessop, Bob (1999). Reflections on Globalization and its (Il)logics, in Peter Dicken, Philip Kelley, Kris Olds, and Henry Yeung, (eds.), Globalization and the Asia Pacific: Contested Territories, London: Routledge, pp 19-38.
*Peck, Jamie and Adam Tickell.(1996)Searching for a New Institutional Fix: The After-Fordist Crisis and the Global-Local Disorder. In A. Amin (ed.), Post-Fordism: A Reader, Oxford UK & Cambridge USA: Blackwell, pp. 280-315. 
4/21  全球化與在地文化
*Pieterse, Jan Nederveen (2001) The Cultural Turn in Development: Questions of Power. In J. N. Pieterse, Development Theory, pp. 60-72.
*Lash, Scott and John Urry (1994) Accumulating Signs: The Cultural Industries. In S. Lash and J. Urry, Economies of Signs and Space, London: Sage Publications, pp. 111-144.
*Lash, Scott and John Urry (1994) Globalization and Localization. In S. Lash and J. Urry, Economies of Signs and Space, London: Sage Publications, pp. 279-313. 
4/28  全球化與在地文化
*Pieterse, Jan Nederveen (2001) The Cultural Turn in Development: Questions of Power. In J. N. Pieterse, Development Theory, pp. 60-72.
*Lash, Scott and John Urry (1994) Accumulating Signs: The Cultural Industries. In S. Lash and J. Urry, Economies of Signs and Space, London: Sage Publications, pp. 111-144.
*Lash, Scott and John Urry (1994) Globalization and Localization. In S. Lash and J. Urry, Economies of Signs and Space, London: Sage Publications, pp. 279-313. 
5/05  全球經濟自由化與社會實踐的問題
*Holton, Robert J. (1998) The Global Economy: Organization, Networks and Regulatory Arrangement. In R. J. Holton, Globalization and the Nation-State. New York: St. Martin’s Press, pp.50-79
* Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2002) Globalization and Its Discontents, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, pp. 180-213 (chapter 7&8) 中譯本:李明譯,《全球化的許諾與失落》,台北:大塊文化。第七章:通往市場經濟的最佳途徑;第八章:IMF的其他方案。頁261-307。
*李碧涵,2004,〈1990年代經濟全球化對第三世界的影響:巴西、墨西哥和印尼的個案分析〉,《社會新天地》,第八期,頁21-31。 (李碧涵,2000b,〈全球市場與國家策略:重新思考依賴發展論和經濟全球化〉,論文發表於《新世紀•新社會─科技、勞動與福利研討會》,台北大學社會學系與台灣社會學會等主辦,台北市:台北大學自強大樓。民國八十九年十二月廿一日至廿二日。頁1-19。論文並收錄於《新世紀、新社會─科技、勞工與福利研討會論文集》)。 
5/12  全球經濟自由化與社會實踐的問題
*Holton, Robert J. (1998) The Global Economy: Organization, Networks and Regulatory Arrangement. In R. J. Holton, Globalization and the Nation-State. New York: St. Martin’s Press, pp.50-79
* Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2002) Globalization and Its Discontents, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, pp. 180-213 (chapter 7&8) 中譯本:李明譯,《全球化的許諾與失落》,台北:大塊文化。第七章:通往市場經濟的最佳途徑;第八章:IMF的其他方案。頁261-307。
*李碧涵,2004,〈1990年代經濟全球化對第三世界的影響:巴西、墨西哥和印尼的個案分析〉,《社會新天地》,第八期,頁21-31。 (李碧涵,2000b,〈全球市場與國家策略:重新思考依賴發展論和經濟全球化〉,論文發表於《新世紀•新社會─科技、勞動與福利研討會》,台北大學社會學系與台灣社會學會等主辦,台北市:台北大學自強大樓。民國八十九年十二月廿一日至廿二日。頁1-19。論文並收錄於《新世紀、新社會─科技、勞工與福利研討會論文集》)。 
5/19  全球化下的勞動體制改革與開放教育制度
Isaac, Joe & Russell D. Lansbury (eds.) (2005) Labour Market Deregulation: Rewriting the Rules. Sydney: The Federation Press.
Lansbury, Russell D. (2004) Work, People and Globalisation: Towards a New Social Contract for Australia. The Journal of Industrial Relations 46(1): 102-115.
Betcherman, Gordon(1996)Globalization, Labour Markets and Public Policy. In Boyer, Robert and Daniel Drache (eds.), States Against Markets – The Limits of Globalization, London and New York: Routledge.
Drache, Daniel(1996)New Work and Employment Relations: Lean Production in Japanese Auto Transplants in Canada. In Robert Boyer and Daniel Drache (eds.), States Against Markets – The Limits of Globalization, London and New York: Routledge.
Ackers, Peter and Adrian Wilkinson (2005) British Industrial Relations Paradigm: A Critical Outline History and Prognosis. The Journal of Industrial Relations 47(4): 443-456.
Nyland, Chris & Anne O’Rourke (2005) The Australian-United States Free Trade Agreement and the Ratcheting-up of Labour Standards: A Precedent Set and An Opportunity Missed. The Journal of Industrial Relations 47(4): 457-470.
Burgess, John (2005) Exploring Job Quality and Part-time Work in Australia. Labour & Industry 15(3): 29-40.
Campbell, Iain (2004) Casual Work and Casualisation: How Does Australia Compare. Labour & Industry 15(2): 85-111.
Bray, Mark, Stephen Deery, Janet Walsh & Peter Waring (2005) Industrial Relations: A Contemporary Approach. North Ryde, NSW: McGraw-Hill Australia.
*Welch, Anthony (1996) Australian Education, St Leonards, NSW Australia: Allen & Unwin. Chapter 3. Education, Work and Youth Unemployment: Old Wine in New Bottles? pp. 54-80; chapter 5, The Politics of Cultural Interaction: Multicultural Education in Australia, pp. 105-131.
Keenoy, Tom and Di Kelly (2002) The Employment Relationship in Australia. Southbank, VIC: Thomson Learning Australia.
*Sappey, Richard, John Burgess, Michael Lyons & Jeremy Buultjens (2006) Industrial Relations in Australia: Work and Workplaces. Pearson Education Australia. 
5/26  全球化下的勞動體制改革與開放教育制度
Isaac, Joe & Russell D. Lansbury (eds.) (2005) Labour Market Deregulation: Rewriting the Rules. Sydney: The Federation Press.
Lansbury, Russell D. (2004) Work, People and Globalisation: Towards a New Social Contract for Australia. The Journal of Industrial Relations 46(1): 102-115.
Betcherman, Gordon(1996)Globalization, Labour Markets and Public Policy. In Boyer, Robert and Daniel Drache (eds.), States Against Markets – The Limits of Globalization, London and New York: Routledge.
Drache, Daniel(1996)New Work and Employment Relations: Lean Production in Japanese Auto Transplants in Canada. In Robert Boyer and Daniel Drache (eds.), States Against Markets – The Limits of Globalization, London and New York: Routledge.
Ackers, Peter and Adrian Wilkinson (2005) British Industrial Relations Paradigm: A Critical Outline History and Prognosis. The Journal of Industrial Relations 47(4): 443-456.
Nyland, Chris & Anne O’Rourke (2005) The Australian-United States Free Trade Agreement and the Ratcheting-up of Labour Standards: A Precedent Set and An Opportunity Missed. The Journal of Industrial Relations 47(4): 457-470.
Burgess, John (2005) Exploring Job Quality and Part-time Work in Australia. Labour & Industry 15(3): 29-40.
Campbell, Iain (2004) Casual Work and Casualisation: How Does Australia Compare. Labour & Industry 15(2): 85-111.
Bray, Mark, Stephen Deery, Janet Walsh & Peter Waring (2005) Industrial Relations: A Contemporary Approach. North Ryde, NSW: McGraw-Hill Australia.
*Welch, Anthony (1996) Australian Education, St Leonards, NSW Australia: Allen & Unwin. Chapter 3. Education, Work and Youth Unemployment: Old Wine in New Bottles? pp. 54-80; chapter 5, The Politics of Cultural Interaction: Multicultural Education in Australia, pp. 105-131.
Keenoy, Tom and Di Kelly (2002) The Employment Relationship in Australia. Southbank, VIC: Thomson Learning Australia.
*Sappey, Richard, John Burgess, Michael Lyons & Jeremy Buultjens (2006) Industrial Relations in Australia: Work and Workplaces. Pearson Education Australia. 
6/02  環境主義之制度化
*Eder, Klaus(1996)The Institutionalisation of Environmentalism: Ecological Discourse and the Second Transformation of the Public Sphere. In Scott Lash, Bronislaw Szerszynski and Brian Wynne.(1996)Risk, Environment and Modernity-Towards a New Ecology, London: Sage Publications, pp.203-223.
Lash, Scott, Bronislaw Szerszynski and Brian Wynne (1996) Risk, Environment and Modernity – Towards a New Ecology. London: Sage Publications.
Szerszynski, Bronislaw (1996) On Knowing What to Do: Environmentalism and the Modern Problematic. In Scott Lash, Bronislaw Szerszynski, and Brian Wynne. (1996) Risk, Environment and Modernity – Towards a New Ecology, London: Sage Publications, pp. 104-138. 
6/09  全球化、族群與多文化制度
*Vasta, E. (1995)Dialectics of Domination: Racism and Multiculturalism. In E. Vasta and S. Castles (eds.), The Teeth are Smiling: the Persistence of Racism in Multicultural Australia. St Leonards, NSW: Allen & Unwin, pp.46-72.
Borjas, George J. (1999) Heaven’s Door: Immigration Policy and the American Economy. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Castles, Stephen (2000) Ethnicity and Globalization: From Migrant Worker to Transnational Citizen. London: Sage.
Cross, Malcolm (1992) Ethnic Minorities and Industrial Change in Europe and North America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Inglis, Christine(1995)Multiculturalism in Practice: Australia, Canada and Sweden. In Multiculturalism: New Policy Responses to Diversity. (MOST Policy Papers 4.) Paris: UNESCO.
Solomos, John (1991) Black Youth, Racism and the State: The Politics of Ideology and Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Stratton, J. (1999)Race and Daze: Australia in Identity Crisis. Annandale, NSW: Pluto Press.